Now doesn't this look like over kill. The Ct dept of Ag seems to think that we need all these labels on our chickens.
It would seem to me that these folks would be in the business of making things easier for people who raise SAFE, SUPERIOR and HEALTHY food.
Unlike the crap you get in the supermarket that contains Arsenic, 9% chicken manure fecal soup and cholrine our birds are on pasture, eat grass and bugs, are supplemented with locally produced grain and get great taste from exercise, sunlight and greens.
When they write these rules, like the Farm Market rule book they are either to scared to stand up and say our food is better (see Food Inc movie), or perhaps big business makes it clear that their food is safer (like monsanto, purdue, etc) or maybe they just do not want to admit that some of the old ways of raising your food is far superior to the indoor/antibotic/commercially slaughtered birds.
You have to feel sorry for those who write these rules, seems they just do not understand and do not want to belive that all the money they spent on education was wasted.
I always thought that the USDA, the Ct dept of Ag, the Local health inspector, the Dept of Consumer protection etc were all greatly concerned about the quality of our food, guess I was really wrong.
Look at our lard as a example: In order to render it to make a better package for you our pastured lard would have to be watched by a USDA inspector in a approved kitchen, thereby greatly adding to the price. So we just sell the leaf lard and fat back in one pound packs and let the customer do it. Such a shame as people across the country want our lard but we can't get it to them in a short enough time so that it doesn't spoil.
As a side note soon the only way to get our products will most likely be through the Ct Farm Fresh Express folks, they are working out GREAT !!
Visit them and order from their list of farms.http://www.ctfarmfreshstore.com/