Monday, March 09, 2009

Project 365 View one

So with this post and the one below you can get a panorama of the upper farm. I am doing this for the USDA to prove to them and UCONN too just what we can do with our pastures and pigs in the woods. If you start at the top of the frame the first picture is facing WNW and then go down through the pictures to the next post and the last picture is facing WSW.
I have others that I have taken of the hill pasture and the umbrella tree lot to show these idiots that pigs on wood lots are GREAT and should be helped under USDA BEFORE a problem comes up. I was always under the impression that Preventative Maintainence was better than "make a mess first and then we will clean it up". This is like saying let the terriorists hit first and THEN we will train homeland security.
But this is nothing new, over the years I have had a lot of stupid people tell me I can't do something only to have me do it and prove them wrong.
" You can't make a women a good air traffic controller"
You can't antique leather so as to make it pass as a original 18th century piece"
" You can't shoot this flinter accurately enough to hit a perfect 10"
" You can't shoot a flinter against a perciussion cap because you will loose"
"You can't get a pay phone installed at the Post Office"
" You can't paint the Post Office any color besides white"
" You can't clear all this land by yourself"
and the list goes on for many lines....all were proven wrong
Now we have
"you can't put pigs in the woods and call it pasture"


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